Wednesday, June 9, 2010

MCatePhotography photographs 3 CDH Families for Save the Cherubs CDH Awareness Campaign

June 9, 2010

 Save the Cherubs

Monday I drove up to Winston-Salem for a volunteer photo shoot for Save the Cherubs.  Occasionally I scan Craigslist for photography gigs, and I am so glad I happened upon this ad.  Save the Cherubs is a support group raising awareness of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias–or CDH.  CDH is where the diaphram fails to close completely and is left with a hole where organs can invade the chest cavity…causing the lungs to not develop properly.  This is only a tiny bit of information on CDH.  To read more visit their website.
There were 3 photo shoots for the Save the Cherubs ad campaign.  One of little 2 year old Sophia, a survior of CDH.  The second was of Kendrah, pregnant with a cherub on the way.  And the third, remembering Zoe, lost last year to CDH.
Meet Sophia!  You could never tell how sick this little girl was.  She has the energy of 2 kids, and a laugh that could rival a soundbite on a hallmark card.

Cole–brother to Zoe–was such a huge help.  Sophia loved him!

Meet Kendrah!  Her and her husband, Chris, are expecting little Oz in July.  Kendrah was such a trooper with all the poses we were having her do.  She is already such a strong woman, and I know that with Chris by her side, there is nothing she can’t do.

The last shoot was probably the most emotional and raw photoshoot I’ve ever done.  We went over to Erin and Aaron’s (yes they have the same name) house to take pictures in Zoe’s nursery.  Poor little Zoe lost her battle with CDH last October.  Erin is one of the stongest women I’ve ever met.  Despite such a tragic loss, that only happened last year, she still has a spunk about her that says, “I will not be brought down”.  It was truly a blessing meeting her.  It really puts everything in perspective.  My husband and I suffered a miscarriage last fall, and while it was tragic…I’m sure it doesn’t compare to losing a child you knew and held.  Grab the tissues everyone…
Big brother Cole with the cat he gave Zoe.

They had casts made of Zoe’s hands and feet so they would always remember what they looked like.

Such a powerful image.

Outside at Zoe’s garden.

Releasing balloons in memory of Zoe.

Thank you guys so much!  Every single one of you is inspirational.  :)


Thank you Martha Cate!!!!   And thank you to the Kidd-Ward, Fisher and Carman families!!!!!!

For more information on this campaign you can visit  or the campaign blog at

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